Meet …. Neil Jacka

AKA Cracka or Boss!

CEO and Principal Engineer​

Qualifications: BE (Hons)​

​Memberships: Chartered Professional Member ENZ​

​Engineering Superpowers: Developing novel solutions to curly problems.

Engineering specialties: Integrating geotechnical with civil and structural engineering. Sometimes these interdependent but separate disciplines can operate in a siloed way which inhibits effective and efficient solutions for the client. No client really wants to read three different engineering reports for the same problem!

Favorite engineering tool: 3D finite element modelling which has come a long way from its early days when you needed to enter lines of code (showing my age!). The utility of current interfaces enables deep understanding of deflections and failure modes. Our learning curve over the past six years has been steep but I’m proud that our team level of expertise in this tool is second to none.

​Favorite Soil Type: Clays because you can recover samples and test them.

​​Least favorite part of engineering: Reading badly written reports!

​Outside Interests: Family, music, dirt biking with my sons and sup surfing with my better half!