Meet …. Jacqui Simpson
AKA Jax!
Chief of Staff (and chief ski weekend organizer)
Qualifications: MTF, Master Technological Futures, Bachelor of Business (Human Resources and Industrial Relations)
Superpowers: Understanding new things, I am a generalist by nature so getting my head around new things is (almost) always fun. It also means I am always studying something! (currently it’s a micro credential in understanding software development)
Leadership specialties: I am a people-oriented leader and believe that business success comes from having a talented team that are supported and empowered to do their best work.
Favorite workplace tool: I am an early adopter when it comes to technology and am always looking for ways for new technologies to improve work processes. My laptop is my favorite tool.
Favorite Soil Type: Does potting mix count? Any soil that will make my vege garden and my plants grow well is good for me!
Least favorite part of your role: Engineers can be so quiet at work, more chat please!
Outside Interests: Family, Paddleboarding, Skiing and more recently have discovered a love for lifting heavy weights at the gym.